php if($wset['shadow']) echo apms_shadow($wset['shadow']); //그림자 ?>
//php echo apms_line('fa'); // 라인 ?>
{ Track List }
1. Central Services/the Office
2. Sam Lowry's 1st Dream/"brazil"kate Bush
3. Ducts
4. Waiting For Daddy/sam Lowry's Wetter Dream "the ..
5. Truck Drive
6. The Restaurant (you've Got To Say The Number)
7. Mr. Helpmann
8. The Elevator
9. Jill Brazil/power Station
10. The Party (part 1)/plastic Surgery
11. Ducting Dream
12. Brazil - Geoff Muldaur
13. Days & Nights In Kyoto - The Party (part 2)
14. The Morning After
15. Escape?
16. The Battle
17. Harry Tuttie - "a Man Consumed By Paperwork"
18. Mothers Funeral/forces Of Darkness
19. Escape! No Excape!
20. Bachianos Brazil Samba