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Willie Dixon / Boss Of The Chicago Blues

아티스트Willie Dixon
제목Boss Of The Chicago Blues
레이블FUEL 2000
배송비결제주문시 결제
{ Track List }

1. I Can't Quit You Baby
2. I Don't Care Who Knows - (with Harold Burrage)
3. Hidden Charms - (with Charles Clark)
4. Too Many Cooks - (with Jessie Fortune)
5. Axe And The Wind - (with George "wild Child" Butler)
6. Just Got Some - (with Willie Mabon)
7. Easy Baby - (with Magic Sam)
8. Fishin' In My Pond - (with Lee Jackson)
9. Two-headed Woman - (with Junior Wells)
10. Have A Good Time - (with Walter "shakey" Horton)
11. Sit And Cry - (with Buddy Guy)
12. My Love - (with Betty Everett)
13. Spider In My Stew - (with Buster Benton)
14. Satisfied - (with Harold Burrage)
15. My Babe - (with Mickey Gilley)
16. All Night Long - (with Magic Sam)
17. She's A Sweet One - (with Junior Wells)
18. My Love Will Never Die - (with Otis Rush)
지난 1992년에 타계한 미국 시카고 블루스계의 대부 격인 인물 Willie Dixon의 트리뷰트 형식의 앨범 [Boss Of The Chicago Blues]에는 그와 생전에 호흡을 맞췄던 블루스계의 명인들, Buddy Guy, Junior Wells, Otis Rush등과의 세션들을 18곡의 엑설런트 트랙으로 만나 볼 수 있는 컨필레이션 음반이다.