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LaVern Baker / Sings Bessie Smith [180g][LP]

아티스트LaVern Baker
제목Sings Bessie Smith [180g][LP]
배송비결제주문시 결제
{ Track List }

1. Gimme A Pigfoot (Side A)
2. Baby Doll (Side A)
3. On Revival Day (Side A)
4. Money Blues (Side A)
5. I Ain't Gonna Play No Second Fiddle (Side A)
6. Backwater Blues (Side A)
7. Empty Bed Blues (Side B)
8. There'll Be A Hot Time In The Old Town Tonight (Side B)
9. Nobody Knows You When You're Down And Out (Side B)
10. After You've Gone (Side B)
11. Young Woman's Blues (Side B)
12. Preaching The Blues (Side B)
LaVern Baker was one of the sexiest divas gracing the mid-'50s rock and roll circuit, boasting a brashly seductive vocal delivery tailor-made for belting the catchy novelties ''Tweedlee Dee,'' ''Tra La La,'' and ''Bop-Ting-a-Ling'' for Atlantic Records during rock's first wave of prominence. Of all the Bessie Smith tributes out there this has to be the most complete. Lavern Baker always had a powerful voice as she always show on her pop oriented material. She lets it all go on this album. Baker proves what a great blues/jazz belter she was. And what a back-up band! Featuring some of the best jazz musicians of their time: Buck Clayton on trumpet, Paul Quinichette on sax, Nat Pierce on piano, Vic Dickenson and Jimmy Cleveland on trombone, among others. Ernie Wilkins supplied some of the arrangements. Engineered by the legendary Tom Dowd and produced Nesuhi Ertegun, this is an album that should be in everyone's collection.